Creating a Profile
There are several ways to create an Enterprise build profile. You can either manually upload your IPA or APK files or you can send them from Appcircle's Distribution Module.
Manual Upload
- Click the Enterprise App Store button on the left menu bar.

- If you haven't created any profile before, you will see the following screen. Click the Add New App button to open the upload panel.

- Choose your APK or IPA file and click the Upload button.

- If you have uploaded a valid APK or IPA file, you should see your brand new profile

Sending from Distribution
- Go to your build profile, hit the config button, and enable Automatically Distribute to Enterprise App Store.

- Whenever you create a new signed build, that build will be sent to Enterprise App Store.
- You can also manually send your APK or IPA files by hitting the ... button and selecting Distribute Binary

After you created a build profile, you can manage the deployment and access settings by visiting that profile.
The above tasks can also be initiated by our Appcircle CLI. Please check the Appcircle CLI documentation for the command line parameters.