Building React Native Applications
You can build your React Native applications in Appcircle for iOS or Android platforms.
Appcircle will use your package.json
file to determine and use the dependencies of your application.
Creating a React Native Build Profile
Simply create a new build profile as usual and select your target operating system as iOS or Android. Select React Native for Target Platform.

Once your build profile is created, click on it and connect your Git repository. For details on this step, please follow the directions on the following page:
Adding a Build ProfileBuild Configuration for React Native Applications
Build configuration options are very similar to native iOS or Android applications. You can select configuration details, build triggers, signing identities and distribution options.
Private Modules
If your project uses private modules, don't forget the add necessary SSH keys to your workflow steps. You can use Activate SSH Private Key
step to add your private SSH keys.
You may also use Authenticate with netrc
step to access your private modules.
Build Configuration for React Native iOS applications
First, we need to set up a build configuration. Select the configuration from the Configuration section. The first step will be to enter project details. You can enter details manually or click on the "Autofill" button to retrieve them from your project.
Your iOS project needs to have an Xcode project or an Xcode workspace and a shared scheme to complete the build configuration successfully. Appcircle can fetch these workspaces and shared schemes from your branch automatically.
Share your iOS schemes
iOS schemes must be marked as shared in order to build your application outside of Xcode. If your application doesn't have a shared scheme, it can only be built using Xcode.
You can check the shared option in your Xcode's scheme manager to mark your application's scheme as shared.
Please don't forget to add additional scheme files to your version control.
Major Xcode versions are available for building in Appcircle. You can select the preferred Xcode version in the Build Configuration window. You can also set the preferred NodeJS version on this screen. If you don't set any version, lts
version will be used.