Xcodebuild for Devices (Archive & Export)
This step builds your application for iOS devices in ARM architecture, which is required for the Sharing With Testers feature or any other means of iOS distribution.
This step is the archive and export step. When the step is completed, the .ipa
file of the application is generated.
The workflow steps that need to be executed before running this step, along with their respective reasons, are listed in the table below.
Require Workflow Step | Description |
Git Clone | The repository that needs to be built must be fetched from the Git provider. Xcodebuild for Devices should be used after this step. |
Cocoapods Install | This step installs all pod dependencies for project. Xcodebuild for Devices should be used after this step. If you use SPM (Swift Package Manager), it is not necessary to use. |
Xcode Select | In this step, select the Xcode version to build. Xcodebuild for Devices should be used after this step. |
This step should always follow steps that may affect Archive and Export, such as Xcode Select and Cocoapods Install.

Input Variables
You can find all the parameters required for this step in the table below, with their descriptions in detail.

Variable Name | Description | Status |
$AC_REPOSITORY_DIR | Specifies the cloned repository directory. This path will be generated after the Git Clone step. | Required |
$AC_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH | This variable specifies the path of the artifacts that will be generated after the build is complete. | Required |
$AC_SCHEME | Specifies the project scheme for build. If you filled in Configuration => Build Scheme , this variable comes from Configuration. | Required |
$AC_ARCHIVE_FLAGS | Specifies the extra xcodebuild flag. For example: -quiet | |
$AC_PROJECT_PATH | Specifies the project path. For example: ./appcircle.xcodeproj . If you filled in Configuration => Project or Workspace , this variable comes from Configuration. | Required |
$AC_CERTIFICATES | This variable specifies the path of the certificates to be signed. | Required |
$AC_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIERS | This variable holds the Bundle Identifier of the application to be built. | Required |
$AC_PROVISIONING_PROFILES | This variable specifies the path of provisioning profiles to be signed. | Required |
$AC_CONFIGURATION_NAME | You can build your project with any configuration you want. Specify the configuration as hard coded. Appcircle will add automatically this configuration to the xcodebuild command. For example; Debug | Optional |
$AC_COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE | You can disable indexing during the build for faster build. Default value is No . | Optional |
$AC_METHOD_FOR_EXPORT | Describes how Xcode should export the archive. Available options are auto-detect , app-store , ad-hoc , enterprise , development . The default is auto-detect . | Optional |
$AC_TEAMID_FOR_EXPORT | The Developer Portal team to be use for this export. Defaults to the team used to build the archive. | Optional |
$AC_COMPILE_BITCODE_FOR_EXPORT | For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode? Available options YES , NO . | Optional |
$AC_UPLOAD_BITCODE_FOR_EXPORT | For App Store exports, should the package include a bitcode? Available options YES , NO . | Optional |
$AC_UPLOAD_SYMBOLS_FOR_EXPORT | For App Store exports, should the package include symbols? Available options YES , NO . | Optional |
$AC_ICLOUD_CONTAINER_ENVIRONMENT_FOR_EXPORT | For non-App Store exports, if the app is using CloudKit, this configures the "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment" entitlement. Available options Development and Production . | Optional |
$AC_DELETE_ARCHIVE | Delete build.xcarchive file after creating ipa file. | Optional |
Output Variables
Variable Name | Description |
$AC_ARCHIVE_PATH | This is the path created after retrieving the archive. |
$AC_ARCHIVE_METADATA_PATH | This is the path created after the metadata is generated. |
$AC_EXPORT_DIR | This is the path created when exporting. |
To access the source code of this component, please use the following link: